Riccardo Tonelli

Riccardo Tonelli

Dr. Riccardo Tonelli

Member of MaCrOLab and of the Business and Human Rights cluster

In 2019 Riccardo Tonelli gradueted in Law at the University of Ferrara, discussing a dissertation in Labour Law, titled "Incentivi alle imprese e misure di contrasto alla delocalizzazione produttiva" (supervisor: Prof.ssa Silvia Borelli; co-rapporteurs: Prof. Roberto Bin and Prof.ssa Caterina Pasquariello).

He attended the Summer School "Lavoro e Legalità - Criminalità organizzata ed appalti pubblici" promoted by the "Alma Studiorum" University of Bologna and by the CGIL in September 2019.

In November 2019 he was admitted to the PhD Doctoral School in "European Union Law and National Legl Systems" (XXXV Cycle), supervisor: Prof.ssa Silvia Borelli. The doctoral project addresses the issue of infiltration of organised crime in both public and private legal market, with a particular focus on public procurement area. The study intends to analyze the effectiveness of administrative preventive measures against the infiltration of organised crime and to assess the compatibility with the rules and principles of EU Law.

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