Orsetta Giolo

Photo Orsetta Giolo

Prof. Orsetta Giolo

Member of the Executive Board, Coordinator of MaCrOLab.

Orsetta Giolo is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Ferrara Department of Law, where she teaches philosophy of law, sociology of law and legal clinics. She is a member of the teaching staff of the Doctoral School in Studies on Organized Crime of the University of Milan.

Since 2010 she has been coordinating, together with Lucia Re, the inter-university work group on the political subjectivity of women (http://soggettivitadonne.wixsite.com/spdd). Editor of the journal Jura Gentium (http://www.juragentium.org/about/index.html) and co-founder, with Stefania Carnevale and Serena Forlati, of the Laboratorio Interdisciplinare di studi sulle mafie e le altre forme di criminalità organizzata – MaCrO (http://www.unife.it/progetto/macro).

Her most recent publications include: Vulnerabilità. Analisi multidisciplinare di un concetto (with B. Pastore, ed.), Carocci, Rome, 2018; Le teorie critiche del diritto (with M.G. Bernardini, ed.), Pacini, Pisa, 2017; Redefining Organised Crime: A Challenge for the European Union? (with S. Carnevale and S. Forlati, eds.), Hart, Oxford, 2017.

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