Pierluigi Granata

Dr. Pierluigi Granata

Member of the Ordine dei Giornalisti del Veneto – Albo Pubblicisti since 24.7.2017.
Colonel (res.) in the Guardia di Finanza, assigned to institutional service; in particular he worked on the
“analysis of criminal phenomena” and “police intelligence” in the areas of Economic Criminality,
national and international, Organized Crime (Italian and foreign), Money Laundering and Corruption.
Member of the “Observatory on Organized Crime and the promotion of transparency”, instituted by
the Regione del Veneto, as per L.R. 48/2012-art.15.
Currently research fellow in “Applied Criminology, Mafias and victimisation processes” in the
Graduate Degree Programme in the Sciences of Investigation and Security –Università degli Studi di
Bologna/ Forlì campus and member of the Società Italiana di Criminologia.