Fabrizio Sarrica
Fabrizio Sarrica is a Member of the Scientific Commitee of Macrocrimes.
Fabrizio Sarrica is a research officer for the United Nations on Drugs and Crime where he has been working since 2002. He is currently serving as Team Leader for the UNODC research on trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrant and the Lead Author of the UNODC Global Reports on Trafficking in Persons.
Economist by background, he holds a PhD in Criminology.
He has studied and published on different crime fields. For UNODC, he has supported the production of national and regional studies on judicial integrity, corruption, organized crime, human trafficking and smuggling of migrants in different parts of the world.
Since 2010, he is supporting Members States to improve their national capacity to collect data, to share information, as well as to produce national and regional Trafficking in Persons reports.