Gaetano Stefano Califano
Dr. Gaetano Stefano Califano
Member of the Business and crime cluster
In July 2020 Gaetano Stefano Califano graduated in Law at the Alma Mater Studiorum -
University of Bologna, with highest honours, discussing a thesis in Philosophy of Law
entitled "Legal reasoning and disagreements: the European Court of Human Rights and
the hate speech" (supervisor Prof. Chiara Valentini).
Since November 2021 he is a PhD candidate in European Union law and national legal
systems at the University of Ferrara (supervisor Prof. Donato Castronuovo).
The subject of his doctoral research is the european model of repression of corruption.
Related pages
- Business and crime - Category: Clusters
Macrocrimes fa parte dell'Università di Ferrara - Dipartimento di giurisprudenza