Business and crime

Photo Business and Human Rights

The Business and Crime cluster carries out studies and research on macro-crime committed by companies. Crime is classified as “macro” in relation to the scope of the harmful or dangerous effects that can damage primary goods, such as health, safety and the environment, affect economic resources and assets, or alter competition and market rules, with a possible negative impact also on the proper functioning of public administration and, more generally, of contemporary democracies.

A first line of investigation concerns the tools aimed at preventing the unlawful conduct of companies, such as, for example, measures aimed at monitoring a company and its activities, and the procedures and certifications designed to guarantee the quality of production and the legality of the activities carried out.

Another area of interest concerns measures to investigate the illegal activities of companies; these include, for example, the instruments of judicial cooperation between States and the European bodies involved in the fight against transnational economic crime.

A third area of research concerns the repression of crime committed by companies with reference, for example, to the development of different sanctioning strategies for effectively countering the various phenomena of economic crime, liability in the case of crimes committed by a juridical person, the instruments aimed at freezing or seizing economic assets of illicit origin and maintaining guarantees for creditors.

A final line of investigation will be dedicated to the protection of victims and strategies for company rehabilitation. This subject area includes, for example, access to justice for victims of illegal conduct and measures aimed at ensuring the recovery of economic activity.

These topics will be addressed both in general and with reference to specific illegal phenomena, for example in the field of public procurement, exploitation of labour (in particular, but not only, migrant workers), safety at work, pollution and destruction of the environment.

As preventing and fighting against macro-crime requires legal instruments relating to different sectors of law, the Business and Crime cluster encourages interdisciplinary studies and researches. In order to gain an understanding of the social and economic phenomena behind macro-crime committed by companies, we also intend to open the discussion to individuals and experts other than jurists.

Participating researchers
  • Diritti lavori mercati_Criminalità mafiosa e diritto del lavoro

    Title: Criminalità mafiosa e diritto del lavoro

    Di: S. Borelli, M. Ranieri

    in Diritti lavori mercati

    2019, fasc. 1, p. 131 ss.


    Further information
  • Title: Lavoro e criminalità organizzata di origine mafiosa

    Di: S. Borelli, M. Ranieri

    in Diritti lavori mercati

    2020, p. 391 ss.


    Further information
  • Principio di prevenzione e sicurezza sul lavoro

    Title: The Islamic Question before the United Nations Human Rights Committee

    di S. Buoso

    Giappichelli, 2020



    indice del volume

    Further information
  • Confisca

    Title: Il volto oscuro della prevenzione patrimoniale - Studio sui profili critici della confisca

    A cura di F. Morelli

    Jovene Editore



    Further information
  • Sistema penale

    Title: Relitti o rifiuti? La complessa qualificazione giuridico-penale delle navi abbandonate

    Di: D. Castronuovo

    in Sistema penale

    N. 6/2020, p. 387 ss.


    Further information
  • Labour Mobility and Transnational Solidarity in the European Union

    Title: Labour Mobility and Transnational Solidarity in the European Union

    A cura di: S. Borelli, A. Guazzarotti

    Jovene Editore, 2019

    Collana Univ. di Ferrara - Dip. di Giurisprudenza

    ISBN: 9788824326278



    Further information
  • Legislazione penale

    Title: I limiti sostanziali del potere punitivo nell’emergenza pandemica: modelli causali vs. modelli precauzionali

    Di: D. Castronuovo

    in Legislazione penale

    10 maggio 2020, p. 1 e ss.


    Further information
  • Title: Labour Mobility and Transnational Solidarity in the European Union

    A cura di: D. Castronuovo, F. Curi, S. Tordini Cagli, V. Torre, V. Valentini

    Giappichelli, 2019

    ISBN: 9788892129467


    Vai all'indice

    Further information
  • Title: L'emergenza del Covid-19 e il condizionamento dell'economia legale da parte della criminalità organizzata

    Di: R. Tonelli

    in Diritto Virale

    2020, vol. 2, p. 21 ss.

    vai all'articolo

    Further information
  • Mafia, legalità e lavoro

    Title: Mafie, legalità e lavoro

    A cura di: Silvia Borelli e Vittorio Mete

    Quaderni di Città sicure

    Anno XXIV - N. 42 - 2018


    Further information
  • Title: Comment coopérer dans la concurrence normative, au temps de la Gouvernance économique?

    Di: S. Borelli

    in L’Autorité européenne du travail, a cura di Allamprese A., Borelli S., Morsa M.,

    Bruylant 2020, pp. 185 ss.

    Vai al volume 

    Further information
  • Title: Il distacco di lavoratori migranti

    Di: S. Borelli

    in Migranti e lavoro, a cura di W. Chiaromonte, M.D. Ferrara, M. Ranieri, Il Mulino, Bologna

    2020, pp. 295-315

    Vai al volume 

    Further information
  • Title: L'altro 18. Diritto del lavoro e sfruttamento

    Di: S. Borelli

    curatela con L. Calafà, M. D'Onghia, S. Laforgia, e M. Ranieri del fascicolo n. 2/2021 della Rivista "Lavoro e Diritto"

    Vai al fascicolo

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Scientific events
  • Updated - La Convenzione MEDICRIME sulla contraffazione dei prodotti sanitari e la tutela della salute pubblica in Italia


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  • Conference - Insolvency law in the European context


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  • Un seminario interno dedicato a CEDU e attività di impresa


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