Valentina Felisatti

Dott. Valentina Felisatti
Member of Business and Crime cluster
Valentina Felisatti graduated in Law with highest honours from the University of Ferrara in 2017 with a dissertation in European Criminal Law entitled Transnational ne bis in idem within the framework of EU law.
In November 2017 she started working towards a PhD at the same University (supervisors Prof. Donato Castronuovo and Prof. Ciro Grandi). Her research project focuses on health-environmental disasters with a particular focus on cases concerning serial and continuous emissions of toxic substances into the environment and exposure of workers and citizens. The research analyses this phenomenon from the double perspective of national criminal law and supranational law, with specific regard to the obligations of incrimination deriving from the ECHR and the European Union.
Related pages
- Business and crime - Category: Clusters
- Amicus curiae - Category: Outreach
News and related events
- Un convegno dedicato a tutela dell'ambiente e modelli di responsabilità - Category: Scientific events - Type: None