Costanza Bernasconi

Prof. Costanza Bernasconi
Member of the Business and Crime cluster.
Costanza Bernasconi is an Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Department of Law, University of Ferrara, where she teaches Criminal Law and Environmental Criminal Law.
She is a member of the “Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Diritto Penale”.She is part of the scientific committee of the journals Discrimen and Lexambiente. Rivista di diritto penale dell’ambiente. Her research activity is mainly focused on the area of environmental criminal law and criminal law in the field of economics. She also has a special interest in the protection of minors and their legal status.
Related pages
- Summer school - Category: Teaching activities
- Business and crime - Category: Clusters
- Summer school - Category: Teaching activities
- Specialized courses - Category: Teaching activities
- DignITA - International protection of human dignity through criminal law: strengthening Italy's implementation record - Category: Research projects
News and related events
- Esposizione ad amianto e responsabilità penale. L'esperienza spagnola e italiana a confronto - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Master Ant-Cop - Appalti pubblici e prevenzione della corruzione - Category: Teaching - Type: None
Macrocrimes fa parte dell'Università di Ferrara - Dipartimento di giurisprudenza