Core Crimes

Corte penale internazionale

The Core Crimes cluster deals with the most serious violations of international law, which are of concern to the international community as a whole. These include the so called crimina iuris gentium – genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression – as well as any other serious violation of human rights perpetrated by (or otherwise attributable to) a State, even if committed outside the framework of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. The cluster studies the definition of those crimes and the legal instruments enacted to ensure their repression by national, international and hybrid tribunals.

The subject lends itself to interdisciplinary reflection, involving scholars from different fields (philosophy of law, international law, criminal law and criminal procedure). The cluster benefits from the well-established collaboration between the Department of Law and the Italian Ministry of Defence, and in particular with the Office of Legal Affairs of the Air Operations Command in Poggio Renatico.

The activity of the Core Crimes cluster includes the organization of workshops, round tables and scientific seminars; educational initiatives for students and military and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defence; the drafting of opinions and studies commissioned by third parties and the elaboration of amicus curiae, also in the framework of the legal clinic.

Participating researchers
  • La tutela internazionale della persona umana nei conflitti armati

    Title: La tutela internazionale della persona umana nei conflitti armati

    A cura di: A. Annoni, F. Salerno

    Bari, Cacucci Editore


    Indice del volume

    Further information
  • Title: The Islamic Question before the United Nations Human Rights Committee

    di F. Rossi

    Jovene editore, 2022




    Further information
  • RDI

    Title: Il trasferimento della persona condannata tra Convenzione-quadro del 1983 e accordo di esecuzione

    Di: K. Gavrysh

    in Rivista di diritto internazionale

    2021, fasc. 2, p. 353 ss.

    vai all'indice

    Further information

Scientific events
  • La tutela penale del patrimonio culturale tra diritto internazionale e diritto interno


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  • Internal seminars - Accountability of foreign companies for misconduct in conflict areas


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  • The Prosecution of International Crimes Perpetrated in Brazil in the Framework of the Plan Condor: The Role of Italy


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  • A conference on environmental protection in armed conflicts


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  • The path towards accountability for international crimes in Syria


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  • La repressione dei crimini contro l'umanità in Italia: il caso Condor


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    Inaugural event of the Core crimes cluster, in the framework of the course of Diritto internazionale penale militare

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  • From East West Street to The Ratline, from Hans Frank to Lea Meriggi


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