Jacopo Della Valentina

Dr. Jacopo Della Valentina
Member of MaCrOLab and of the core crimes cluster
Born in 1997, Jacopo Della Valentina graduated in Law in March 2021 at the University of Padova, discussing a thesis in criminal law entitled “Il diritto penale tra prevedibilità e matière pénale - dai paradigmi classici della legalità al diritto giurisprudenziale”, supervisor Prof. Giovanni Caruso.
Since September 2020 he has been enrolled in the register of trainee lawyer of the Padova Bar.
Since July 2021 he has been expert on the subject in Criminal business criminal law and Criminal labour law at the University of Padova.
Since November 2021 he has been enrolled in the PhD programme in European Union Law and National systems at the University of Ferrara and carries out his research project entitled: “Il principio di prevedibilità tra stabilizzazione del diritto giurisprudenziale e garanzie individuali”.
Related pages
- MaCrOLab - Category: Clusters
- Core Crimes - Category: Clusters
News and related events
- Notte dei Ricercatori - Progetto Ferrara MEMO - Category: Outreach - Type: None