Linda Pincelli

Dr. Linda Pincelli

Member of the Business and crime cluster.

Linda Pincelli graduated in Law in 2019 with a double degree from the University of Ferrara and the Faculté de Droit of Strasbourg, after discussing a comparative thesis in criminal law entitled comparative thesis in criminal law entitled "Il principio di legalità nell’ordinamento italiano e francese: un’indagine comparata alla luce della giurisprudenza delle Corti europee", supervisor Prof. Donato Castronuovo and co-rapporteur Prof. Magalie Nord-Wagner.

Since November 2020, she has been enrolled in the PhD programme in European Union Law and National and national systems at the University of Ferrara (Prof. Tutor Ciro Grandi) and carries out her doctoral research entitled doctoral research entitled: "La confisca di prevenzione tra necessità di politica criminale e rispetto dei diritti fondamentali propri dei procedimenti in materia penale: la disciplina italiana al vaglio del Regolamento UE 2018/1805".

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