Donato Castronuovo

Donato Castronuovo

Prof. Donato Castronuovo

Director of the Centre, Coordinator of the Business and Crime cluster.

Donato Castronuovo is a Full Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Ferrara Department of Law.

After earning a law degree from the University of Bologna (1995) and a PhD from the University of Trento (1997-2001), he engaged in teaching and research activity at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (2002-2016), before taking up a post as a full professor in Ferrara (since 2016).

He has carried out research abroad, above all in Germany, at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht und Krimonologie in Freiburg i.B.; and the Humboldt Universität in Berlin. He has also taught abroad, including as a Visiting Professor: Consejo General del Poder Judicial - Oviedo, Spain (2006); Université Paris X (Paris Ouest), Nanterre-La Défense (2017); Université de Strasbourg (2018); Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon (2018); and École Nationale de la Magistrature, Paris (2018).

He has participated in numerous national and international research projects. He has also been a speaker at over 120 conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad. He is the author of numerous publications, some of which translated into foreign languages (German, French, Spanish), and monographs in particular: La colpa penale, 2009 and Principio di precauzione e diritto penale, 2012; he is co-author of the textbook: Diritto penale della sicurezza sul lavoro, 2016; and co-editor of: La riforma dei delitti contro la salute pubblica, 2007 (with M. Donini); La sicurezza agroalimentare nella prospettiva europea. Prevenzione, precauzione, repressione, 2014 (with L. Foffani and A. Doval Pais); Casi di diritto penale dell’economia, vol. I: Impresa e mercato; vol. II: Impresa e sicurezza, 2014 (with L. Foffani); Compliance aziendale e responsabilità da reato degli enti collettivi, in the process of being published, Ipsoa (with G. De Simone, E. Ginevra, A. Lionzo, D. Negri, G. Varraso).

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