Francesco Contri

Francesco Contri

Dr. Francesco Contri

Business and crime cluster

Francesco Contri has been a candidate in the PhD program in European Union Law and National Legal Systems with a focus on criminal law curriculum at the University of Ferrara since November 2022 (tutor Prof. Donato Castronuovo and co-tutor Dr. Marco Venturoli). His PhD research focuses on the broader aspects of criminal theory arising from technological advancements in abstract and, specifically, from the (hypothetical) criminal liability of internet service providers.

Francesco completed his Law degree with distinction at the University of Ferrara in March 2022. His final dissertation in Criminal Law, titled “Damages from Exposure to Toxic Substances: An Analysis of Issues in Classical Criminal Law and Corporate Liability”, was supervised by Prof. Donato Castronuovo, with co-supervision from Prof. Ciro Grandi and Dr. Marco Venturoli.

As a passionate enthusiast of Economic Criminal Law, Francesco devotes significant portions of his research to the in-depth exploration of related topics. He is a member of the editorial committee of the journal DPEI (Criminal Law, Economy, and Business).

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