Camilla Caselli

Dr. Camilla Caselli

Member of MaCroLab

Camilla Caselli graduated in Law in July 2021 from the University of Ferrara with a thesis in the philosophy of law entitled “Genitorialità in orizzonti ristretti. Norme, stereotipi e prassi sulla paternità in carcere”, supervisor Prof. Orsetta Giolo and co-rapporteur Prof. Stefania Carnevale.

In November 2022, she began a PhD at Università Statale in Milan. The doctoral project deals with the issue of balancing between anti-mafia policies of a guarantor type and those more oriented towards repressive effectiveness, with a focus on the 41-bis regime.

She is also a member of the Laboratorio Antirazzista Ferrara and a volunteer for the legal counselling desk of the L'Altro diritto Association for detainees in the Ferrara prison.

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