Sara Boicelli

Dr. Sara Boicelli

Member of MaCroLab

Sara Boicelli graduated in Law from the University of Ferrara in December 2022, after discussing a thesis in Law & Gender entitled “La critica giusfemminista al diritto neoliberale. Norme, corpi, soggetti" (supervisor: Prof.ssa Maria Giulia Bernardini; co-rapporteur: Prof.ssa Orsetta Giolo).
Since February 2023, she has been a member of “L’Altro Diritto – Centro di ricerca interuniversitario su carcere, devianza, marginalità e governo delle migrazioni” and "Gender Justice & Feminist Jurisprudence Lab".

In July 2023, she attended the Summer School on "Law & Logic" organized by the European University Institute and Harvard Law School.

Since November 2023, she has been enrolled in the international PhD program “Human rights: evolution, protection and limits” at the University of Palermo; her research project focuses on the right to procreation and the environmentalist antinatalist philosophy. Furthermore, she is “cultrice della materia” in Philosophy of law (IUS/20) at the University of Ferrara.

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