Serena Forlati
Prof. Serena Forlati
Director of the Centre, Coordinator of MaCrOLab and member of the Public Security and Individual Rights cluster.
Serena Forlati is full professor of International Law and the Director of the Department of Law at the University of Ferrara. She is the co-coordinator of MaCrOLab, the inter-disciplinary research group on mafia and other forms of organized crime that she co-founded in 2011.
After graduating in Law at the University of Florence (1992), she obtained an LLM in European Legal Studies at the College of Europe (Bruges) and a PhD in International Law at the University of Rome – La Sapienza (1998). She was a post-doctoral fellow and research associate at the University of Florence from 1999 to 2001, before joining the University of Ferrara as a researcher in 2002.
She is the author of two monographs, editor of several books (including “La lotta alla tratta di esseri umani – Fra dimensione internazionale e ordinamento interno”, Napoli, Jovene, 2013; "Redefining Organised Crime - A Challenge for the European Union?", with S. Carnevale and O. Giolo, Oxford, Hart, 2017), and of numerous articles and papers. Her research interests currently focus on international courts and tribunals and international human rights law and its interaction with international criminal law.
Related pages
- MaCrOLab - Category: Clusters
- Summer school - Category: Teaching activities
- Redefining Organized Crime: A Challenge for the European Union - Category: Publications
- Specialized courses - Category: Teaching activities
- La lotta alla tratta di esseri umani fra dimensione internazionale e ordinamenti interno - Category: Publications
- Public Security and Individual Rights - Category: Clusters
- Universal Civil Jurisdiction Which Way Forward? - Category: Publications
News and related events
- Prevenire e reprimere il genocidio. Diritto, diritti e responsabilità della comunità internazionale - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Resta diritto. Il carcere e i diritti che restano - Category: Outreach - Type: None
- Workshop "The United Nations on the Eve of its 80th Anniversary: Contestation, Resilience and Change" - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- La Procura Nazionale Antimafia e l'accertamento dei reati di criminalità organizzata - Category: Teaching - Type: None
- La tutela penale del patrimonio culturale tra diritto internazionale e diritto interno - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- The Department of Law and Macrocrimes involved in the Transnational Organised Crime Program 2022-23 - Category: Research - Type: None
- La guerra in trasformazione: questioni generali e attualità - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Forme, riforme e valori per la giustizia penale futura - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Le politiche di contrasto alla tratta e allo sfruttamento: quale ruolo per i diritti umani? - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Ehi, SIDI! - Il podcast della Società italiana di diritto internazionale - Category: Outreach - Type: None
- Dinamiche e caratteristiche criminali della tratta di persone - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Le immunità oggi - Uno sguardo interdisciplinare - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Il precedente nel diritto internazionale e dell'Unione europea - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Aperte le iscrizioni alla seconda edizione del Master MICAS - Category: Formazione continua - Type: None
- Un webinar di presentazione del volume sulla giurisdizione civile universale - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Serena Forlati membro dello Scientific Advisory Board del MPILU - Category: Outreach - Type: None
- From East West Street to The Ratline, from Hans Frank to Lea Meriggi - Category: Outreach - Type: None
- Una lezione del Prof. Schloenhardt sul traffico di migranti - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Un seminario del Prof. Schloenhardt sulla Convenzione di Palermo - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Aperte le iscrizioni al Master MICAS - Category: Teaching - Type: None
- Transitional Justice - The Legal Framework - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- The Palermo Convention Against Transnational Organize Crime 2003-2018: Implementing the Treaty System - Category: Scientific events - Type: None
- Serena Forlati nominata componente dell'Osservatorio per il contrasto alla criminalità organizzata e mafiosa - Category: Outreach - Type: None